Меланомы могут выглядеть по-разному. Они могут быть черными, коричневыми, серыми, красноватыми или даже бесцветными и выглядеть как плоскими, так и приподнятыми. Правило ABCDE помогает выявить отклонения на ранней стадии
Документ предназначен для регулирования отношений, связанных с этическими аспектами разработки; внедрением и использованием технологий ИИ в сфере охраны здоровья.
Концертный храп в спальне – неприятность как для окружающих, так и для самих храпящих. Китайские ученые обнаружили, что пища может снизить риск апноэ во сне и, следовательно, храпа.
Плитка шоколада часто бывает очень соблазнительной. Но эксперты по питанию уверены: можно перехитрить себя и использовать более здоровую альтернативу. На первом месте клубника.
Чтобы сжигать жир, организму во время сна необходим гормон роста HGH. Однако он образуется только при достаточном количестве витамина С. Еще один гормон, способствующий сжиганию жира, — норадреналин. Он вырабатывается в надпочечниках – если витамина С достаточно.
ЗАДАТЬ ВОПРОС РЕДАКТОРУ РАЗДЕЛА (ответ в течение нескольких дней)
20 мая 2002 00:00 | William L. Holman, MD*a, James E. Davies, MDa, Barry K. Rayburn, MDb, David C. McGiffin, MDa, Brian A. Foley, MDc, Raymond L. Benza, MDc, Robert C. Bourge, MDb, Peggy Blood, RNc, James K. Kirklin, MDa
Treatment of end-stage heart disease with outpatient ventricular assist devices
Background. Initiating outpatient therapy with ventricular assistdevices (VAD) was important in the progress of mechanical circulatorysupport. This article reviews our experience with VAD therapyfrom the start of our outpatient program until the present.
Methods. Medical records of patients who received a Thoratecpara-corporeal VAD, HeartMate vented electrical VAD, or HeartMatepneumatic VAD between 12/1/97 and 9/1/01 were reviewed. Variablesincluded age, type of devices, total duration of VAD support,discharge status, duration of outpatient support, outcome (transplanted,died on support, ongoing), in-hospital length of stay aftertransplantation, and complications during VAD support.
Results. There were 53 device implants in 46 patients. The cumulativepatient-days of VAD support was 7,468 (mean duration of support,138 ± 195 days; median, 95 days; range, 2 to 948 days).Twenty of the 46 patients were discharged with a VAD. The cumulativeoutpatient days was 3,600 (mean outpatient duration, 157 ±164 days; median, 83 days; maximum, 560 days). Of the 20 outpatients,11 received cardiac transplantation, 5 died, and 4 are ongoingas of 9/1/01. Major complications that occurred in the outpatientsetting included 5 deaths after hospital readmission (1 sepsis,1 conduit tear, 3 neurologic events); 4 device infections (3sepsis, 1 pouch infection); and 3 device malfunctions that requiredreoperation for pump replacement (1 HeartMate pneumatic and2 HeartMate vented electrical). No deaths occurred in an outpatientsetting.
Conclusions. Ventricular assist devices effectively supportoutpatients for months to years. The anticipated time for postoperativerecovery and VAD training before discharge is approximately14 to 21 days, although shorter times may be possible in thefuture. Establishing a successful outpatient VAD program isa crucial step toward VAD as definitive therapy for end-stageheart disease.
Background. We evaluated the effects of standard preservation solutions on cultured human greater saphenous vein endothelial cells.
Methods. Endothelial cells (eight strains) were preincubated
Background. Late tamponade is a rare cause of morbidity and mortality after cardiac valve operation. We describe our recent experience with this entity.
Methods. This is a single institution,
Background. The purpose of this retrospective study was to evaluate the current incidence, survival, and predictors of mortality for open chest management at our center.
Methods. Our database
Background. The Heart Outcomes Prevention Evaluation (HOPE) trial demonstrated that ischemic events are decreased in patients receiving angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors. This study
Backgund. The immediate effects of surgical reduction of left ventricle cavity on cardiac mechanics have not been well defined.
Methods. Cardiac mechanics were analyzed before and after myocardial