7 ГОСТов и 2 предварительных стандарта для искусственного интеллекта 2024 года. Документы должны регулировать применение нейросетей для организации и управления в здравоохранении, дистанционного мониторинга, прогнозной аналитики, систем поддержки принятия врачебных решений, разрешения этических споров и прочее
Особенно в холодное время года у многих людей в крови слишком мало витамина D. Однако «солнечный витамин» важен для здоровья. Вот почему вам следует выбирать продукты, содержащие витамин D, особенно в зимние месяцы.
Новое исследование Кембриджского университета показывает, насколько важна клетчатка в нашем рационе. Продукты, богатые клетчаткой, играют решающую роль в нашем питании
ЗАДАТЬ ВОПРОС РЕДАКТОРУ РАЗДЕЛА (ответ в течение нескольких дней)
17 мая 2002 00:00 | Afzal Zaidi, FRCS*a, Vipin Zamvar, FRCS(CTh)a, Fergus Macbeth, FRCRa, Allen R. Gibbs, FRCPathb, Nihal Kulatilake, FRCSa, Eric G. Butchart, FRCSa
Pulmonary blastoma: medium-term results from a regional center
Background. Pulmonary blastomas are rare lung tumors that morphologicallyresemble fetal pulmonary structure and can exist in two forms,biphasic and monophasic. We reviewed our experience over a 12−yearperiod with emphasis on the clinical features, management, andoutcome.
Methods. Patients with a diagnosis of pulmonary blastoma fromJanuary 1988 to July 1999 were identified from the databaseof the Department of Histopathology, Llandough Hospital, Cardiff.Specimens had been obtained from bronchoscopy, fine-needle aspiration,trucut biopsy, and thoracotomy.
Results. Six patients were identified from 2,720 histologicallyproven lung cancers (0.2%). Median age was 35.5 years and sexratio was equal. Overall, 4 patients underwent resection andare all alive (median, 43.5 months). Three of these had advancedtumors at presentation (stage IIIb or IV), two of which weresuccessfully downstaged with neoadjuvant chemotherapy, and thethird treated with postoperative radiotherapy. Nonresected casessuccumbed at a median of 5.5 months.
Conclusions. Although pulmonary blastomas are rare, those affectedrepresent a group of patients with advanced tumors for whoma coordinated approach from both oncologists and surgeons canachieve excellent medium-term results.
Background. Membranes of tumor cells have been found to posses higher fluidity than membranes of nontumor cells. Plasma membrane fluidity is significantly correlated with malignant potential of
Background. Assessment of surgical risk in patients undergoing pulmonary resection is a fundamental goal for thoracic surgeons. Usually used risk indices do not predict the individual outcome.
Background. Little is known about alterations in the levels and influence of natriuretic peptide (NP) on cardiopulmonary function after pulmonary resection for lung cancer. This study was designed
Background. Lung volume reduction surgery (LVRS) has been demonstrated to provide symptomatic relief and to improve lung function in patients with end-stage emphysema. The goal of this study was
Background. Cystic lung lesions are found in the adult and pediatric populations. We present our 19-year experience with such lesions from a single institution.
Methods. We retrospectively reviewed