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04 января 2002 00:00   |   G. Spezialea, G. Ruvolob, R. Coppolaa, B. Marinob a Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Villa Azzurra, Rapallo, Genova, Italy

Intraoperative flow measurement in composite Y arterial grafts

Objective: Total arterial myocardial revascularization may be achieved by using the ‘Y-graft’ techniques with different free arterial conduits anastomosed off the side of an in situ internal thoracic artery to reach distal coronary segments. This study was assessed to measure intraoperative graft flow, resistance and clinical outcomes. Methods: Seventy-six patients who underwent coronary artery bypass grafting during a time period of 27 months were enrolled in this prospective study. All patients received sequential grafting by using both internal thoracic arteries, inferior epigastric and right gastroepiploic artery joined as a composite Y graft. Intraoperative graft flow, resistance and derived variables were measured. Results: All patients except one showed good flow (ml/min and waveform) in either branch of composite graft. In one case, a low-flow situation through the graft was registered requiring surgical correction. Temporary occlusion of either branch did not significantly affect flow in the other side of the arterial Y. Mid-term follow-up (3 and 15 months) and angiographic studies showed a high graft patency rate. Conclusion: Composite arterial grafts provide excellent early and mid-term clinical results. Flow reserve of the left internal thoracic artery did not affect blood flow and resistance on either branch of the Y graft when temporary occlusion on the other side of the arterial Y was performed.


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