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09 июля 2002 00:00   |   Louise M. Jennings, MEngb, Abdusalam El-Gatit, MDa, Zsolt L. Nagy, PhDa, John Fisher, DEngb, Peter G. Walker, PhDb, Kevin G. Watterson, FRACS*a

Hydrodynamic function of the second-generation mitroflow pericardial bioprosthesis

Background. The hydrodynamic function of the smaller size Mitroflow Synergy stented pericardial bioprostheses has been studied in an in vitro fresh tissue aortic root model and compared with previous studies of free-sewn bioprostheses.
Methods. Three valves of each of the sizes 19, 21, and 23 mm were sutured into fresh tissue aortic roots and tested in a pulsatile flow simulator using two different ventricular input impedance conditions. A high-speed camera was used to study the leaflet opening and closing configurations. Mean pressure difference as a function of root mean square forward flow, effective orifice area, regurgitant volumes, and total energy loss across the valves was measured.
Results. Mean pressure difference with respect to root mean square forward flow decreased as the valve size increased. Thus effective orifice area increased as the valve size increased. The open leaflet configuration images showed that all three sizes of Mitroflow valves had a large circular orifice with minimal open leaflet deformation. All valves closed competently with no visible leakage and no closed regurgitant volume. The Mitroflow valves showed better effective orifice areas compared with previously tested frame-mounted porcine bioprostheses but lower effective orifice areas compared with porcine stentless bioprostheses; however, the open leaflet bending deformation was better than for any of the previously tested bioprosthetic valves.
Conclusions. The hydrodynamic function of the Mitroflow Synergy stented pericardial bioprosthesis shows potential for good in vivo hemodynamic performance. The good hemodynamic performance combined with relative ease of implantation technique makes the pericardial valve a good valve in the aortic position, particularly in older patients with small annuli.

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