7 ГОСТов и 2 предварительных стандарта для искусственного интеллекта 2024 года. Документы должны регулировать применение нейросетей для организации и управления в здравоохранении, дистанционного мониторинга, прогнозной аналитики, систем поддержки принятия врачебных решений, разрешения этических споров и прочее
Особенно в холодное время года у многих людей в крови слишком мало витамина D. Однако «солнечный витамин» важен для здоровья. Вот почему вам следует выбирать продукты, содержащие витамин D, особенно в зимние месяцы.
Новое исследование Кембриджского университета показывает, насколько важна клетчатка в нашем рационе. Продукты, богатые клетчаткой, играют решающую роль в нашем питании
ЗАДАТЬ ВОПРОС РЕДАКТОРУ РАЗДЕЛА (ответ в течение нескольких дней)
19 июня 2002 00:00
Coronary hybrid revascularization from January 1997 to January 2001: a clinical follow-up
Background. Hybrid revascularization (HyR), combining minimallyinvasive left internal mammary artery (LIMA) bypass graftingto the left anterior descending coronary artery (LAD) and catheterinterventional treatment of the remaining coronary lesions,avoids the disadvantages associated with cardiopulmonary bypass(CPB). We investigated the clinical follow-up of 57 patientswith multivessel disease undergoing this procedure in the last4 years.
Methods. Between January 1997 and January 2001, 57 consecutivepatients (41 men and 16 women, aged 65.7 ± 7.9 years)with coronary artery disease (two-vessel, n = 34; three-vessel,n = 23) were treated with off-pumpLIMA-to-LAD bypass combinedwith balloon angioplasty and stenting of the remaining significantlyobstructed (> 50%) coronary vessels. Clinical follow-up dataincluded a early postoperative and a 6−month control angiographyand a patient interview in January 2001.
Results. All patients underwent LIMA-to-LADbypass-graftingand balloon angioplasty in 72 coronary lesions without procedural-relatedcomplications. However, one early LIMA bypass occlusion wasdocumented during coronary angiography. Postoperatively no deteriorationof preexistent organ dysfunction was observed in any patient.The mean follow-up was 100.7 ± 37.9 weeks in 55 of 57patients (97%). Control angiography 6 months after HyR (n =34) revealed a patent LIMA bypass in 33 patients and 8 in-stentrestenoses (> 50%) in the coronary arteries that were treatedinterventionally by re-PTCA (n = 6) or by conventional CABG(n = 1). In 1 patient medical treatment resulted in significantreduction of angina so no further intervention was considerednecessary. After HyR 1 patient died 18 months later of an intracerebralhemorrhage. All other patients are alive and doing well.
Conclusions. Our results indicate that in selected patientswith multivessel disease including left main stem stenosis HyRis an effective and secure procedure with excellent early andgood midterm results. Especially elderly patients with severeconcomitant diseases appear to benefit from this approach byavoiding CPB.
Background. Despite increasing clinical use and recent evidence that insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), insulin-like growth factor binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3), and human growth hormone (hGH)
Background. Statins may enhance vascular function independently of effects on cholesterol. This study investigated the ability of statins to modulate the vascular recovery of arteries
Background. The gastroepiploic artery (GEA) has been used as a graft in 1,000 patients in our institution, and the clinical outcome and the angiographic long-term results were reviewed.
Background. In studies of gender effects on outcome after coronary artery bypass grafting, early mortality has consistently tended to be higher among women, whereas long-term results have varied.
Background. The impact of aortic manipulation on incidence of cerebrovascular accidents (CVAs) was evaluated in patients who underwent myocardial revascularization.
Methods. From January 1988